Memories of the Wind.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My spooky tales part4 -The ghost child

Long wait. But this, i promise my readers, the tale is going to be as horrific as the wait u have taken. And this ride i am goin to take u would be even more intriguing than the previous ones, because it involves my ex-neighbours. Cool. but this one way ticket to horror does not mean that i am taking u for a ride! Once again, i got to stress the point that my accounts are as true as i make them out to be, and i am a perfectly honest guy in my blog (at least). A disclaimer here, my stories are totally original, and if there are any resemblances to any other stories, just relax. All the supernatural stuff dun deviate so much. HAa.

Oki, ever heard before rumblings just above ur ceiling, or the sound of the dropping of stuff which sounds like the thumping of feet or heavy stuff? Or even the rolling of marbles, especially at night? All coming on top of ur ceiling, right in ur own cosy flat? Wonder which inconsiderate neighbour would play such a fool, or letting their children wild at night, playing with their little marbles?

Fret not, there are 2 explanations. The first one states that its common for flats to sometimes hear rumblings on their ceilings because its the way the flat was built. The second one is of cuz the more irrational one. Heard of toyols- the ghost child? I shall do some explaining here. They are the spirits of unborn children who died during miscarriages or stillborn. They never had the chance to leave the mother's womb alive. The bomohs, who are malay traditional healers, would seize control of the spirit and enable them to work for them. People in search of fortune, and seek help from the bomohs, can purchase a toyol from them. The toyols would be able to make money for their new found owner by giving them luck or stealing money for them. But in return, the owner would have to make sacrifices for the toyols, or letting them suck their blood from their toe. AND the latter's greed is insatiable. .

Well here goes my story. A few months to a year ago, my ceiling started to make a lot of noise. The rollings of marbles was so loud and the sound of furniture moving around was unmistakable. And it always occured right at night. Hey u tell me, which child would play with marbles now and at night? isnt he supposed to be asleep at tat point of time? And who would like to move his or her furniture around in the middle of the night when u are back from work and bathed, smelt nice and relaxing?? Well, certainly my ex-neighbours did. I had heard of the stories about toyols and their occurences before so i roughly knew what's goin on if the tales i heard was true.

It happened almost every night. Made me so irritable. I wasnt certainly hallucinating, Cuz my mum, my brother, everyone heard it!! Dunno about my auntie though, muz be she sleepin like a log already, haa. So one day, my auntie related to my mum that she had a conversation with the neighbours then who lived just directly upstairs. The neighbours asked my auntie whether their child was very noisy and my auntie said no. My mum was shocked becuz she knew that the couple was childless!! This further confirmed our suspicions of a possible toyol living as our neighbour.

Well, they have moved and since then, the sounds stopped. Haa, who knows what really caused the sounds? The structure of the flat or, u guess?

Pictures of a toyol kept in a bottle.

Those interested in finding out more about toyols can read this article by our singapore paranormal investigators(spi) by clicking on my tittle.

Stay tuned to my next part- the hostile mate in my old tiong bahru flat.


posted by Xiao Feng at 12:21 AM


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