Memories of the Wind.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Circles, buses, question, wisdom, sunsets and sunrises, fairy tales, seasons == random thots?

I sux at playin the game of circles. I draw a circle and stand in the middle. The first person to pass by says Hi and ask "can i join?" Gradually, the circle starts to fill up. I am in the middle, left suffocatin for air. I alwiz find myself drawing bigger circles till i refuse to let pple take the innermost circle..


I hav a fav seat in bus. I alwiz prefer to take the left 2nd most backseats. Dunno whether other pple exihibits such behaviour anot. Maybe its juz mi??


While on the bus today, i was ponderin over something ridiculous. It was a dialogue.

Me: Can i ask u a qn?

Imaginary mi: ooh oki.

Me: Wat's my qn?

Imaginary mi: ... Wat's ur qn?


I guess that most of my wisdom was lost to pure stupidity. The only hard part is admittin to it.


I like it more when the sun sets compared to the sunrise. Mayb its becuz i can look foward to the sun risin again?


Cant imagine it when the sky in fairy tales turn dark. Wat if the kiss on the frog prince had turned the princess into a fellow amphibian instead? Wat if Cinderalla's little glass shoe broke into pieces? Wat if Snow White had drank poisoned apple juice instead? Wat if Rapunzel's hair wasnt long enough? Lucky it was juz a big fat IF.


This is my season of happy bubbles amidst poignant feelings. I am evil. I cant wait for bubbles to burst... This is my season of red autummn leaves fallin, bringin away my wind of memories.


posted by Xiao Feng at 4:46 PM


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