Memories of the Wind.

Thursday, May 24, 2007


I start exercising early in the morning everyday..

when I run to the bus stop to wait for my bus to work. Haa. It is do or die for me. It was a lunging dash right from the point where the lift door threw open and I propelled forward and every ounce of my muscle was called upon in a mad frenzy.

I am a true sprinter. All the scenery flew past me like I was a bullet train. I personally believe I am breaking records everyday.



All right. Bull shit. I enjoy rushing like mad though I know I could have avoid doing so if I leave house earlier. This is due to the fact that the bus always arrives at a stipulated timing and if I miss that particular bus, I would have to wait 20min for the next bus and I will definitely be late. However, I am just one of those who never learn their lesson.

Well. Never mind.

I love running in familiar grounds, watch familiar faces and familiar sights wheeze past me. Somehow, even the Bangladeshi who lives in the rubbish dump downstairs warms my heart too.


If one day, I shall leave this neighbourhood, it will be with a heavy heart. Much less leaving Singapore permanently if I work overseas one day. No wonder the song "I do not want to live on the moon" by Kermit the frog keeps on playing in my head.

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posted by Xiao Feng at 11:34 PM


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