Memories of the Wind.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Fri night is the mood for love.

Fri night is the mood for love.

Question: Love. Do we really need to give ourselves a reason, before we love?


I cannot answer that myself.. Sigh. Sometimes, the paths of 2 converge to become 1 common path. Yet at the near end, it diverges to become 2 solo paths, and answers become questions again. Things go round. In a loop, in a circle. In a deviously planned manner, people get crossed in love, fall out of it, or get rejected.

It happens all the time, all this while, so much so that they start to be afraid of love.

However, despite what happens, I hope that everyone do not give up the courage to love and keep on believing in true love.


It will probably be a bumpy ride ahead, but enjoy it while it lasts. You might enjoy the view higher up on the bump than on the smooth sailing one. Do not be afraid of taking the plunge. Do not be afraid of taking the brunt.

不管怎样 怎样都会受伤 伤了又怎样
至少我很坚强 我很坦荡


(all above lyrics from Fish Leong's 给未来的自己)


Simplicity is best. Just hope that love can be as simple as ~~~~

Answer: "You make me happy. " *smiles*

Fri night is the mood for love.


posted by Xiao Feng at 12:15 AM


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