Memories of the Wind.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Happy moments

Would u ever think back on what happened for your dae when it is about to pass and remember the happiest thing for that particular dae? Well, its good to do something like that, especially if u had a particularly rotten dae. U may be surprised to realise that there may be light moments even for an uneventful dae. My happiest moment juz yesterdae was to draw a flower and a vampiric cat. Haa. . It was definitely no masterpiece or an outlandish work that i would be proud of. Neverthless, it juz made my dae. Sometimes, some days, some things in its pure simplicity can be the greatest bliss in life. 簡單就是快樂.

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posted by Xiao Feng at 12:24 AM


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