Memories of the Wind.

Monday, January 28, 2008

To myself.


Been immersing myself in the wonderful world of words. All beautifully crafted words strung together in an extravagant piece of art to form a novel.

"Of mice and men" was really nice and thanks pui for lending it to me. I am now torn and tormented by Dr Henry's life rocking decision to give away his new born daughter as she got "down's syndrome" in "The MemoryKeeper's daughter."

Decsions which adversely affect your life is hard to make, especially so if you are probably going to be scarred for the rest of it. Time is a irreversible forward moving engine and people so often get caught in its tales and sometimes lies. Before they knew it, a big part of their life has passed so inconspicuously.

I know that 2 of my friends have been reading my blog archives recently and they were caught on in such an intense and consistent pace that they have covered more than half. I suppose my theory last time is proven so much to be true. People read blogs more often in the face of exams.

Due to their mighty efforts, I have been influenced to go through some of them too. Seems like people do change despite the adage that the leopard never changes its spots. My viewpoint deviates and it is interesting to see it in the form of my own writing. I am getting more serious and less blatant with lameness.

Anyway, it has been quite long since I started this blog and it was simply amazing to have blogged 500+ posts. However, I have to admit I was getting weary at one point of time and I simply wanted to delete this blog away at a single hint of impetuousness.

Despite the internal stife, that did not materialise as I love this blog. It has formed part of my attachment in life. I always try to blog with honesty and sincerity without the intent of making it a means to gain popularity with the masses and ultimately, raking in money. Doubters, please be at ease.



posted by Xiao Feng at 2:36 AM


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