Memories of the Wind.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sweet hour alone.

Nowadays, I must sleep with the handphone on. Last time whenever I went to dreamland, the handphone would go dead with me. However, there lies a greater significance in leaving the handphone on now because I am afraid that there may be more important callers in the middle of the night.


Sometimes, I just wish that the battery would go dead. And that I would continue to leave it dead. Whether I could be found, does it matter? Let me be lost.

I need time alone. A date with myself in the lazy night accompanied by a hot coffee to settle by. Cupping my hands around the cup, a warm sensation seeps through my hands gradually like the rising shadows under the starlit sky . Time passes me by like the stray cat which stretches itself on the silent street. This air in the night hour belongs to me ...

I need time alone. A date with myself in the crazy night.


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posted by Xiao Feng at 1:21 AM


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