Memories of the Wind.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The labels.

Once a person is labelled as a good person, he most probably will continue to do good as he believes that he is really a good person. I believe it is same for a person who is labelled as no good-doer.

However, if a person feels pressurised to be what he feels he is, is he really what his label says?

Lol. I enjoy being a good person though. ^~^

ps: Just random.


posted by Xiao Feng at 2:44 PM 0 comments

Friday, December 21, 2007

Fri nite is the mood for love.

Fri nite is the mood for love.


I read about following your heart or reality at tinG's blog.. It has always been boggling my heart.. or shall I say mind?

Both then.

Sometimes, one cannot just evade what reality has in store for us. If reality has been sweeter to us, we call it fate. If it is not, it is milk turned sour.

If there were no restrictions, I hope that everyone does his best and finds his real love. At the very least, he does not regret it.

However, I have to lock love up. Really.

Not just the lack of desire, but there are even more pragmatic reasons on hand.

My aunt...

Her health is getting worse. My brother is marrying soon and will have his own family. He will move out and I will be the only one to live with her. I will have to take care of her though she can manage on her own now.

With her temperament, no one can take her. For example, I was taken sick 2 days ago after camp and I am still coughing, having a runny nose and sore throat now. She scolded me that day because I did not have the appetite to eat her $4.50 dinner. I wasted her money.

But she isn't such a sour and bitter person. She just needs to loosen up.. And stop bothering too much about the household chores. She makes chores a big part of her life. I help her as much as I could because she couldn't see my point about doing only manageable tasks everyday.

As a result, I have lesser time for other appointments and friends. If I stand the risk of losing any friends, whats the point of gripping love that is not there at the first place.

And one day, if I do get married, my other half needs to be able to tolerate her.

I can't forsake her.

Fri nite is the mood for love.

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posted by Xiao Feng at 8:37 PM 0 comments

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Little Play

Will be going for Yishun Kids camp from tomorrow till wednesday but I guess I will not be missed much though. Spent some time in making Little Brown n Little White. Will be busying myself with more friends for both of them when I come back from camp. WHeee HOoo.

Little Brown and his left over waste.

Little Brown Happying on the ten point star.

Little White. Reminds me of Whitey Chan.

Little White posing with Mini Moo sweet. A real Moo Moo will pose with Little White if possible after camp.

Hello and GOodbye for now.

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posted by Xiao Feng at 11:39 PM 0 comments

Friday, December 14, 2007


Time flies and this is the 500th post already. For this, I wanted to reward everyone by telling a story. However pictures speak a thousand words and I decided to show you pictures instead. Well, these pictures show exactly how boring I can be. Haha.

1st Part

Mr Breadman's Straight Face.

Horns sprouted from Mr Breadman and he broke into a wide grin. Horny Breadman.

2nd and Final Part

Origami made yesterday. Chopsticks was from Tricia and had nothing to do with the origami though. I just include it in the picture because I thought it seemed congruent with the origami.

Fuse box. 4 pieces required to make the box.

Ten point star. As the name suggests, 10 pieces are required. However, it is easy to fold except that it is a bit tedious.

Masu BOx~~ Sweet and simple. For dummies. ahhaa.

Slender star! gosh it is harder than the picture suggests. Took a sickening 30minutes to try to make a more slender star BUT I failed.

The small triangular box in the picture is one of hardest to make. Crease and unfold, crease and unfold. .

Sometimes the simplest looking ones are the most laborious. As the saying goes, one cannot judge by appearances. You really need to understand the processes before you can get a clearer picture. Which explains why the picture is so blur.

Never mind. I do not make sense. 500.

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posted by Xiao Feng at 12:17 AM 0 comments

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Recent photos of me and my friends.

To satisfy people's curiosity, these 2 pictures are more recent photos of me. I am camera shy, therefore there aren't many photos at all. LOL.

For Becca's info, this photo was taken on the 1st day when I officially 23. I am really starting to put on more and more uncle airs.

This was taken on an impromptu bbq at west coast park. Probably the most recent photo shoot. And gosh. That was nov 2nd if I didn't remember wrongly.
SO uncle.

More activities coming up this December holidays. Hooray!!

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posted by Xiao Feng at 12:08 AM 0 comments

Friday, December 07, 2007

Fri nite is the mood for love.

Fri nite is the mood for love.

Loving someone is to make a person happy, right? However, love can sometimes become warped such that you end up hurting the person you love. Please do not hurt the people you love. Because you end up hurting yourself more.

For me, there is no desire for love now. I prefer to be with friends.

Maybe one day love will arrive. Who knows.

For now,

Goodbye my love.

Fri nite is the mood for love.


posted by Xiao Feng at 11:41 PM 0 comments

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Clean and green.

One day after the exams. Whoohoo.

and Today was "cleaning" day. Spent half the afternoon wiping the floor, scrubbing the kitchen walls, and sinks. Chores aren't really chores if you do not consider them as chores. I had nothing better to do anyway. Well, much better than idling at home and facing this screen that you are looking at now. LOL~~

Well, I carried on from where I left off when my aunt came back in the evening and after dinner, we were hard at work again. Scrub scrub scrub. Splash splash splash. Windows, doors all were under scrutiny and fell prey to the jif (cleaning equipment).

Pure satisfaction really.. At least that keep my aunt from her normalization of deviance ways. Small banter were something that was quite gone from this house for... fingers counting...

I guess I have to stay home and eat dinner every alternate day. This is my responsibility, my life.

People out there, do help out more with the chores. That would be the best present to your mum if she was the one doing them.


posted by Xiao Feng at 10:56 PM 0 comments